Planets (Updated Later)


  (Decided to start with this one considering the amount of controversy that it has been receiving in the chat box.)  Waquil was once labeled as an oasis planet around five hundred years prior to the events surrounding the current story; the planet, once lush and green with a variety of different species that would make any tropical rainforest jealous has all but vanished.  In its place a darkened tundra now exists, spreading from pole to pole covered nearly the entire surface in a thick layer of snow and ice; the soil has been frozen solid and while chunks of dirt can be reached if hacked away long enough, most of the nutrients that could have existed in them have long since dissipated.  This calamity occurred when the artificial city planet, Roshire, was constructed directly in front of Waquil’s line of light from their life-giving stars: Vol and Gar.  As this artificial planet was constructed, it was placed to constantly block Waquil’s Sunlight.

Waquil’s atmosphere is now primarily composed by elements emitted by the surplus of Dosrochire plants surrounding the surface now; having spread from the caps to covering nearly every corner of the globe, these plants break down the ice around them, breaching the confines of the surface then using the ‘slow drip’ of water that hits their roots they break down the molecules.  Dosrochire plants have and always will be nocturnal plants, flourishing in a lack of light seeing as direct sunlight kills the plants by overloading their coloplasts to explode killing the entire plant.  In the past when light hit the poles, the plants would simply wither, then sprout back up as soon as sunlight had passed; now with no need to fear the sun, the plants do not know how to handle direct sunlight.

Waquil is roughly one and a half times smaller than the Earth, with a mass nearly four times greater.  Where Earth’s core is made up of an Iron-nickel alloy, Waquil has produced a core made up of the elements Tungsten and Platinum; a very rare mixture of elements that has been valued at over five-thousand credits for a gram.  Due to this and the discovery that Waquil’s core is made up of the material and estimated to make up nearly 1/100th of Waquil’s total mass, the sellers and manufacturers of Tungsten-Platinum alloys are not happy about the discovery.  Paying a fortune to keep the news away from the public, the city planet of Roshire was designed as a cover story for their presence in the area; currently, they attempting to mine into the core and bit by bit remove the entire Tungsten-Platinum core.  Doing so will result in the prices of their product sky high, while they hold onto a near infinite supply of the material in storage. 

Since the inception of the project, largely eighty percent of Waquil’s original wildlife has died off with only those living near or on the poles continue to live due to the lack of sunlight their regions received originally and the extreme cold that they were used to.  At an average temperature of -40 Celsius to – 33 Celsius on any given day, Waquil is thought to be nearly uninhabitable because of the cold; however, in rare patches across the planet, the underwater volcano chains that existed create ‘warm spots’ where pockets of superheated can grant heat.  Still, these pockets give up a relatively sickly-sweet scent, reminiscent of death that makes them unpleasant to be around for too long; however, they are not poisonous rather the decay of animal flesh that has accumulated beneath the surface creates the smell. 

While many would assume that sulfur or other poisonous materials would litter these regions where water breaks out on the surface, one would be wrong.  As the majority of the gases beneath the planet’s surface come in the form of: carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and fluorine; meanwhile, the chunks of soil and stone present are rich in zinc and aluminum.  So while the water is safe to drink from the get go, the taste is not preferred and it is always smart to filter water anyway.  Beyond the water sources, Waquil’s natural wildlife consists largely of the Liswee birds, whom can not fly, but rather stride across the ground on legs the size of a child’s arm with a maximum running speed approaching 72 kilometers per hour.  These creatures are covered in a thick coat of downy-like feathers coming in a variety of colors from red, orange, black or purple; while every member of the race has four electric blue eyes that see via infrared.  An average Liswee weighs about sixty-five pounds, with the majority of its weight stationed in its meaty legs; the rest of the body is comprised of a foot and half long neck with a five pound head ending in a sharp point with a laceration that appears to be a mouth.  Liswee’s lack a ‘mouth’ so to speak though.

While these birds, should by all rights be big eaters, their constant search for food in the artic and the scarcity of it allowed them to evolve to the point of no longer needing to feed on large substances.  Rather, the Liswee’s have eight flaps on each side of their necks that open with a menacing hiss before filtering out microscopic bacteria and plant life from the air, feeding it and pumping it into their fist-sized stomachs.  Liswee’s have only one natural predator at this point; the hulking beasts known as Vorshidlers, a beast that few have seen and fewer still have survived a meeting with.  Estimated to weigh nearly two and half tons, the Vorshidler has never been captured by a camera and only witness accounts can detail how the beast works; however all accounts have stated that the creature was only slightly larger than a grizzly bear with thick, but powerful legs that could produce enough speed to rundown a Liswee from fifty-meters away.


 A super-massive city planet the equivalent of six earth’s; the planet’s core is comprised of a two powerful magnets creating a dome around a core of solid iron, titanium and cobalt; the heavy orb, approximately the same weight as Earth’s moon floats constantly between the two magnets spinning in place and giving Roshire its own rotation by the same effect.  Around this core, several layers of city were built; at the lowest level. The original colonists, those from the ‘Port Langrid Construction and Mining Cooperation’ who needed a place to sleep, eat and bathe when they had finished worked today, lived and some still do on the very bottom layer of the planet.  Originally designed to be little more than an orbiting planet around Waquil, the Langrid cooperation was the first company to survey Waquil and found the interior to be desirable, especially do to the considerable mass that existed there.  As the Port Langrid executives read over their reports, they realized that demolishing the planet and strip mining it down for the ore would cause an uproar with the universal community who wanted to tour the planet.  Seeing a way to kill two birds with one stone, the company continued to build Roshire and allowed permanent residences to begin residing there.  Over the course of five-hundred years, Port Langrid had to continually invest time, money and resources into the expanding or Roshire; eventually, after a hundred-fifty years passed, the tourism for Waquil died down in favor of the amusement parks, city life and other methods of entertainment that existed there and on other planets. 

Once this occurred, Langrid secretly purchased Roshire from the tourist cooperation for double what they paid to have the region built; however the money coming in from the social life and residence soon covered the transaction.  As money continually funneled in; Langrid poured money back into the expansion of the planet, the location as one of the busiest and important intersections in that side of the galaxy.  Eventually only three layers of city turned into seven as towering skyscrapers, places of business and countless companies began to preside onto Roshire; while Langrid held a monopoly for construction projects on the planet, they continued to build, charging their customers, then drawing in fees for their electricity and water usages.  Everything on Roshire is carefully monitored, as large factories stationed on the first and third levels of the planet produced water by constantly using the elements sent out by dying stars around the galaxy and breaking them down into mass quantities of desired materials, such as water or oxygen; meanwhile advanced solar panels line the buildings of the upper layer, using the energy from the sun to power most of the constructs while three cold-fusion reactors power the rest of the city with eight more on back up encase something goes wrong with the solar panels or the factories.

While nearly eighty-six percent of the planet is made up of a diverse group of alien species and another seven percent by humans; the race known as Haguds, a distinctly intelligent race with nearly quintuple the brain function of the average human controls the upper tier of the planet.  Having dominated the entire business section with their advanced tactics and particularly versatile means of negotiation; the Haguds appear as small creatures, only about two and half feet tall with an elongated cranium that is latched to its torso; these creatures are largely bipedal in order make up for the mass of their brain against the rest of their bodies.  As their minds make up nearly fifty-percent of their total mass, their short stubby legs have to work overtime in order to hold them up.  While one could be noticeably curious about how a race with no hands can be so influential, It should be noted that all of them have developed the ability to influence their surroundings with their minds, along with a appendage between the base of their skulls and their torso’s that stores any excess energy in their body and transforms it into raw electricity.   The usual Hagud is of a light blue coloration with brown scale spots across their torso; their skulls meanwhile are rigid and coated in an exoskeleton that is roughly twice the strength of steel as a means to protect their brains from assault.  Their faces meanwhile are extremely long and weasel like, complete with a set of chompers that would make any piranha turn green with envy; just above these is a rat like nose and three eyes, two bulging at the sides of the head much like a chameleon’s while a third lizard eye stares directly forward, blinking slowly on occasion as it measures everything around it up.

Roshire’s primary source of income comes from tourism and their high taxes on goods, which most are willing to pay because of the connivance in travel.  Seeing as the Hoguds were put in charge of most of the governing around the city; they used their influence to continually rise the price of goods through their sales tax, then removed most of the other taxes.  Eventually doing away with the income tax and property tax as their sales tax covered it entirely; however, the citizens believing that they were no longer paying for anything other than their goods, figured it was a fair trade off; the new exuberant prices were called gouging by numerous travelers who could later be sued for slander or libel when posting their reviews onto popular review pages by the corporations.  As shrewd businessmen, the Hoguds take great joy in manipulating the political and economic systems to their favor and are experts at manufacturing stories or plans that make the other side think they’ve won, while the Hoguds continually rake in more income.


The tiny jungle planet of Pilaf resides at the opposite end of the solar system which holds Waquil and Roshire; both planets were placed onto the same orbit around the pair of suns, generally occupying a distance of roughly the equivalent of Earth to Mercury  at all times.   As the planet rotates around Vol and Gar, it’s axis spin creates an abnormally slow day and night cycle with each day being the equivalent of one-hundred and ninety-two hours split evenly between light and nightfall.  Due to the twin sun system, the days on the planet’s surface above the canopy generally stays between 55 degrees Celsius to 67 degrees Celsius due to the humidity that falls from the sky; however, beneath the canopy the shade and layers between the sun keep the temperature at a much more manageable 27 degrees Celsius to 33 degrees Celsius.   During the summer months, these temperatures can increase by another ten to fifteen degrees Celsius and dropping by five degrees Celsius during the winter months.   Considering their cycles, the seasons change to the next once per every Earth year. 

Pilaf is well known for being an extremely inhospitable planet, with a large variety of wildlife and fauna; it is considered the tropical rainforest of the galaxy with an estimated fifty times the number of Earth’s total species residing on the land alone; with an unprecedented number residing in one of the three oceans one the planet, one positioned at each pole with a third making up a lake in the center of the planet that rings around half the planet, before halting leaving the single landmass unified.  There is almost no between biome from the ocean to the tropical rain forest that covers the planet, though small grassy areas do pop up closer to the polar regions where few trees grow next to the salty and extremely mineral rich waters where few Earth species could possibly survive. 

As the planet teems with life, many of the plants secrete special fluids that increase sexual potency, prowess, temporarily modify size of the male sex organ, temporarily increase milk production in females, temporarily increase libido and finally make orgasms more intense.  Some refer to Palif as the perverts delight; however, despite the fact that many great sex enhancing products can be found in these jungles, no one has successfully inhabited the planet for more than a few days at a time, seeing as the wildlife either ran them out; a disease was contracted or they ended up succumbing to dehydration from the lack of drinkable water on the planet, which can be rectified with a water purifier.  Because of the diversity, no one species is top dog on Palif and it is unknown if there are any native creatures with intelligence higher than that of a archaic dolphin.  Still, numerous species show the ability to work with a pack mentality with obvious leaders whom order the lesser animals to hunt for it; these species are considered the most dangerous due to superior hunting tactics and numbers.

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