Page 43

Nathan’s thoughts in the next moment were something along the lines of: “fuck this”, as he watched the plant man bring that grotesque member high against Tesla’s awaiting maidenhood.   While the swabbie hadn’t harbored any love for her or anyone else in the crew for quite some time, he wasn’t about to let anyone mess with them.  They were family now and he sure as hell wasn’t about to let some prick screw that up. 

Turning against the door and opening it wide, the black one with no mouth turned and nearly opened fire before Zephyr turned as well.  Nathan and the yor’zvin warrior shot at the same time, a quick screech as the hammers fell back and the small capsules of plasma launched forward glowing bright blue as they sailed through the air.  Nathan had done everything as he had been taught since he was a young man, strong stance, legs spread shoulders back and the gun held slightly higher than the target to deal with drop off.  At this distance, that last bit was pointless though, so he had ignored it and watched as the casing tore through the back of the plant aliens head. 

A scream erupted from the plant as the black one slumped to the floor before he could pull the trigger, his body limp as silver colored blood began to seep out of the center region of his skull.  All of his eyes had glazed over in their death throws.  Nathan’s kill meanwhile had yet to be confirmed as the alien screamed and clawed at its head.  Green foliage falling away in husks as the aroma of burning grass filled the air leaving Nathan unsettled that he hadn’t just dropped dead from a bullet to the skull.  That was when he turned around.  Both of the creature’s eyes were wild orbs of orange with rings of red, while that hole in his head wept a strange clear liquid from it. 

Another horrendous screech left its lips as it stared down Nathan furiously only for the janitor to react by living another three shots directly into its chest.  Every recoil jarring Nathan’s shoulders as he placed his shots where he believed the vitals to be.  One passed through the throat, while the other two went through the solar plexus and the region where the heart should have been.  Every bolt created a weeping hole just like the first with no signs of any vitals; however, the smell of burning foliage only got stronger.  It was caustic now and the smell of smoke began to come off of the creature’s body as he took another step forward. 

His mouth was open now, if one could call it that.  It was little more than a line of pin holes separated by small white lines.  As it breathed and moved in closer Nathan turned to Zephyr whom grunted and started to move out of the way while Tesla began to get her clothes back on and Jack had already fished up the gun from the other pimp.  As the three male’s held their weapons up at the smoldering, but still standing plant, Tesla picked up the fourth leaving the creature completely surrounded but it didn’t seem to care in the slightest.

That was when Nathan noticed that the holes were beginning to seal up.  Demonstrating that the bastard could regenerate anything they lost and at a rate faster than they could get back shots for their weapons.  Cursing slightly Nathan found the thing rushing him only for Zephyr  to grab him and pull him aside.  As Nathan hit the floor, the creature’s fist, a heavy bundle of fibers, collided with the wall and the heavy steel bent around his fist creating a three inch indention into it. 

“Well….him hitting us is essentially death.  This should be fun.”  Zephyr said in admiration and excitement, the look in his eyes making him appear like a child who had just watched his father do something amazing.  Nathan could only shake his head and realize he’d never see eye to eye with the Yor’zvin, he was far too level headed for that.  Pulling himself up as the crazed thing turned its head back towards Nathan, both he and Zepyhr lifted their weapons and shot directly into its eyes. 

That hideous scream of his lifted up once again, a mix between a high pitched yip from some tiny dog and dinosaur screech.  No one seemed to particularly care at the moment as Tesla fired three shots down the spine and Jack just took a quick one through its knee to send it slumping to the ground.   Yet, the thing was still moving as its body regenerated and it was starting to get back up to its feet.  
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