Friday, October 4, 2013


Alright, as most of you likely know by now.  My tenure in Australia is coming to a close, I have roughly twenty-two days before my return to the states and only seven days left until my schooling time here is over.  I'm planning to travel a little more across this great country; however, I've neglected this place for far too long.  

Understandably, my work does not draw much attention, but I have to thank the lurkers, Silentchill, Bookfisher, Wakingescapist, Kinkyreece and anyone else I've failed to mention.  You guys have stuck around for the long haul and still continue to swing by here.  So, in appreciation for all that you guys do.  I hereby reopen Amatory Star

In less than a month hopefully, I will post the following chapter, detailing Nathan's comforting of Lily and then skipping forward one month in time.
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