Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Update 35 and Page 18

Alrighty, so this was done.  A bit more on the filler side, but the first day on Roshire has ended, leaving us in quite the predicament.   Given what has happened and what is happening; I think this would be a good time to reflect on the first year of Amatory star.  We've had our ups and downs, but I've enjoyed the hell out of this; I wish I had more readers and more people to talk about this with.  Still, you guys are a great audience and I love writing for you all.

Page 18

All of the world around the former Swabbie was quiet, as he snorted and snored in his drug-induced slumber that the good doctor had inflicted upon him.  Every few seconds he would toss slightly before finally, his eyes shot open and he sat up startled, patting himself over and thankful that nothing had happened to him.  Relief hit him and it was all he could do to keep himself from shouting in the joy of the moment as he started to remember what happened hours ago.  Not like there was anything I could have done about it, still better be more careful from now on.  Finishing that thought and tossing away anything else that had to do with Mr. Happy, as he decided to call him from now on, he pulled himself up with a grunt. 

Dizziness was the first thing that came to him, the blood struggling to get back to his head after the swift raise from his back for hours, then an uncomfortable tension in his spine.  Easy enough to ignore as he stretched, but that was when the biggest problem hit him.  Blood was soaking the floor and his boots, pouring out from the doctor’s head.  It was the first time that Nathan noticed that the puddle and that it had nearly spread over to him.  Thankful that it had only just now gotten to his boots, he stomped through the sticky red substance, tearing the doctor’s undershirt off of his body before moving back to the door.  “Thanks Doctor Happy, glad you could fix me up, seems that you do miraculous work.  Too bad you got a little too big for your breeches.”  Waving at his corpse, he proceeded to clean off the bottom of his boots with the scrap of cloth that he now had.  Grinning, he balled it up tossing it directly onto the doctor’s face.  “Well, I hope you rot in hell you sick bastard.  Send my regards to anyone who might recognize me down there.”

Twisting back to the door and forcing it open, he stopped turning back around and gripping the gun that he had nearly forgotten on his way out.  Holding the pistol once again, Nathan found a great deal of comfort in the simple action and even just having it on his person.  Running his hand down the six inch barrel, he found it was coated with the blood of its most recent kill.  Tinged red, the black material was even further accented by the three yellow LED’s that had been coated as well.  Each one showing how many more rounds could be fired before it was completely empty.  Each light corresponded to ten rounds with another two smaller lights at iron sights to indicate the first two shots.  “Sixty rounds huh….well, I suppose that will have to do for now, but it would be wise to grab some more ammo and possibly a better weapon before I leave.”  Stating this calmly, Nathan’s hand ran back over to the guns handle, clicking the safety back in place and found himself again thankful that Alexander had left the silencer feature on this gun on. 

Stepping out of the room, he turned his head towards both ends of the hallway staring up at the sign over head that read doctor’s office.  Leaving it, he closed the door shutting it tightly and descended down the opposite direction of the front desk.  What he really needed was a bathroom, relief not only for his bladder, but also to take care of the blood that now caked his hands.  Pocketing them and the gun to avoid detection, he walked a little faster turning his head back and forth around the twisting halls and ended up walking past three that ran parallel before finally finding a sign that read bathroom.  Grateful that it didn’t take too long, he rushed down the corridor entering the hall that indicated it.  Eventually the door to the porcelain thrones emerged and without a second to spare, he turned around to the soap dispensers and the sinks.  No way in hell was he going to hold himself with bloody hands, he had no idea what kind of illness the doctor could have possessed.  Hell the only reason he didn’t bother to wipe off the gun with the shirt was the sheer volume of blood that was already soaked into it. 

Getting a small mound of the light blue soap on his skin, he could feel the nano-bots that they had started putting into the stuff around five hundred years ago.  It tickled a little as he began rubbing his hands together and felt them eating the dirt, grime and anything that wasn’t labeled ‘normal’ on his skin away.  Lathering the soap up, it eventually created a white foam around his entire hands before he waited ten seconds for the soap to set.  Once that had passed, he knew that the nano-bots were likely inactive and could be washed off safely now.  Pushing his hands beneath the warm water and rinsing the suds away, relief washed over him as he pulled his hands away, checking his facial features as he dried off his hands.  A toilet flushed next to him and his heart stopped beating. 

“Ahh….that’ll teach me to eat the cafeteria’s creamed corn.  Good lord, I must have at least ten chocolate babies!”  A vulgar looking alien stated as he walked out of the stall, humanoid but with disgusting looking face composed of numerous chins, four eyes and a mouth with no lips; it was all Nathan could do not to vomit just from looking at him.  His yellow and black teeth looked like they hadn’t seen the board side of a tooth brush in at least two years and from the smell of his breath, it wasn’t a bad assumption.  Small trails of drool were running off the sides of the creature’s mouth; seeing all of this in the mirror and its bald head with a puss spore just waiting to pop on the top of it, it was throwing Nathan over the edge.  It was coming up behind him, he wasn’t even listening to what it was saying anymore as it raised one gnarled hand with broken, dirty and putrid finger nails coming towards him.  Fuck that bullshit.

Nathan spun around, not giving a damn about his cover in that moment as his fist came around in heavy right hook directly into the alien’s jaw.  A satisfying crunch took place as teeth went flying across the floor, the malnourished bone holding it together snapped; the alien, whom obviously wasn’t expecting the blow or any type of physical punishment, looked surprised for an instant.  It didn’t get enough time to react before Nathan’s left shot forward in a jab between his eyes.  That was all it took, the alien’s head shot back, eyes rolling into his head before he ended up bashing his skull into the tiled walls.  Unconsciousness was immediate, but all Nathan cared about in the moment was cleaning his now drool and slime covered hands again.  Proceeding through the ritual of allowing nano-bots to clean up his hands, he turned back to the body, deciding to take the time to piss before doing anything with it.

A.       Deposit the body into one of the stalls. 

B.       Leave the body right where it is, it is after all a disgusting thing.

C.       Push the body into one of the air ducts.
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